You have a big belly shape and very annoying? Do you want to try to improve the shape of your stomach through diet and exercise? Then you must try a healthy lifestyle, with exercise to shrink the stomach. Keep in mind, your stomach will be smaller and faster not only burn fat, but also to train the Abs muscles so completely formed and become firmer.
Having a six pack Abs and slim is ideal for men. Abdominal fat in order to turn into a six pack certainly needed exercise and proper diet, so that the fat does not come back again and make your efforts futile. Actually exercises to build muscle belly is not too difficult, it's just that sometimes we do not do it regularly until finally giving up and finally there is no change whatsoever in the stomach.
Abs muscles play an important role in supporting performances. Beautiful Abs muscle fat-free can increase confidence and improve posture. Forming an ideal abs muscles is not easy, it takes perseverance in practice also understand the type of exercise that is effective. In addition to exercise, diet and dietary factors also need to pay attention to if you want to get ideal Abs muscle.
How to train your Abs muscles the admin share at this time can be used to train the Abs muscles side, middle and bottom. When did you intend to make your stomach six pack, you can do this exercise on a regular basis so that the results obtained can be maximized.
Get Six Pack Abs Fast at Home without GYM
Here are the types of exercise that can burn your belly fat, and shape the muscles on your abdomen with ease and you can do it yourself at home or while you are refreshing.
1. Running Sideways
Reason: Running sideways will burn more calories than running in the normal way, so that it will effectively burn fat in the stomach.
How to Perform: Run laterally in the field or area where you live.
Process: Perform run laterally as a variation of your jogging, do it for 12-17 minutes per 1 hour running or jogging
2. Foot
Walking has the effectiveness of burning calories very good for the body. On foot, you can reduce the calories and fat in the body, especially the abdomen.
How to Do: Make it a habit to walk approximately 5 km per day, could be the way to work or can also take a walk in crowded places, such as malls or playgrounds.
Process: You must walk every day, then you will find it useful for your body.
3. Jogging or running
Jogging or berlaari is a form of exercise that burns a lot of calories and fat, especially fats attached to the abdomen, arms and thighs.
How to Perform: Run around the court, or around the residential complex by doing variations lar run faster and slower.
Process: Do it in the morning and afternoon every day, before breakfast and before dinner.
4. Walk Backward
Walking backwards has been declared scientifically to burn more calories than walking as usual. This will greatly help you in shaping the stomach and shrink the stomach.
How to Perform: Combine the movement of walking, running, and ran sideways to walk backwards motion. Do it in the broad field or area that is not too crowded.
Process: Running back off approximately 15 minutes per 1 hour of your time doing jogging.
5. Up and down stairs
May climb the stairs is not a form of exercise, but it has the potential for burning calories, too high. By climbing the stairs that you created as a routine, it will be effective as a sports shrink the stomach.
How to Do: Avoid using the elevator or escalator, but went up the stairs at every opportunity
Process: You can do this on a regular basis, such as 30 pieces of stairs climbed a day, 2 times.
6. Cycling
Cycling, the most popular sport to lose weight. Have a high calorie burning potential, this exercise will be very effective for those who want to shrink the stomach.
How to Do: You can bike around the housing, or in a vehicle when on the move. You can also use an exercise bike in your home, which provide the same benefits.
Process: Bike ride approximately 2-5 km per day. Do it 2-4 times a week.
7. Play Soccer
Football is a sport that combines the ability to process and the ability to run the ball. This makes soccer or futsal can burn calories very much, and certainly very effective as a sports shrink the stomach.
Process: You can play one or two innings in a game. You can do 1-2 games in one week.
8. Swim
In addition to elevate the body believed to be a sport, swimming can also shrink the stomach because it will form the muscles and burn calories and fat in your body.
Process: You can swim on a regular basis, 2-3 times a week, to do a variety of styles in a single exercise.
9. Skipping
Skipping or jump rope has a high calorie burning benefits. With a bounding movement, then skipping may be an effective option for reducing fat in your stomach.
Way to do :
Position your body in a comfortable position
Play a skipping rope with a speed that varied
Process: This sport can you do in the morning and evening, at least 30 times its rounds per session.
Secret Tricks How to make a Six Pack Abs quickly at home
That is a sport that can shrink your stomach is distended shape. Now, if you've lost a protruding belly then proceed to the next stage of the formation of the Abs muscles to sispack.
1. Exercise Crounch
Crunch is one method of exercise that can shape your Abs muscles or abs effectively and able to shrink your abdomen.
Way to do:
Lying in supine
Lift your leg, then bend at the knees to a 90 degree angle.
Lift the head to the abdomen, so you will find yourself in a position of almost kissing the knees
After that, spread the distance between your head to your knees, by encouraging part of your foot, and pull your head
Do it over and over again
Process: You can perform this movement 2-4 sets per day her for abdominal muscles better and stomach smaller.
2. Sit Up
Just like crunches, sit-ups can form part of the abdominal muscles and make your abdomen becomes flatter and smaller.
Way to do :
The position of the foot can be straight, bend
Lift up the head to the abdomen without moving your feet
Do this process continuously
Process: Doing sit ups 3-4 sets in a day and do it regularly,
3. Twisted Sit Up
Twisted sit ups a variation of the sit-up exercise, in which the abdomen or torso you will point to the left or right when doing sit ups. Can membentk abdominal muscles effectively.
Way to do :
Position yourself as when you want to do sit ups
Lift the head until your stomach without moving the feet
Lift to the left and to the right.
Process: You can do sit ups twisted as much as 3-4 sets in one day.
4. Press Sit Up
Press is a variation sit ups sit ups to add to the burden, such as a dumbbell or a plate. With the addition of bebean, then your stomach muscles will quickly formed, and can reduce your stomach.
Way to do :
Position the body such as when you want to do sit ups
Hold the load firmly in both hands
Raise your torso while carrying weights in hand, without moving the feet.
Process: You can perform this movement 1-2 sets each day, with a heavy load varies.
5. Back Up
Backing up will help tighten the abdominal muscles, so it can make the stomach becomes firmer and smaller.
Way to do :
Position yourself to sleep face down
Lift your torso height - height, without moving your feet.
Process: You can back up as much as 2-3 sets per day.
6. Seated V Up
Seated V Up will help tighten and shape the abdominal muscles, making it effective for those of you who want to shrink your abdomen.
Way to do :
Sitting on the floor or mat
Put your arm on the back of the back as the pedestal
Lift your feet and forms part of the angle V, up to the knees almost close to your chest, hold.
Lower your legs, and do it again
Process: You can do this 1-2 sets in a day, and can withstand the V position for 5-10 seconds.
7. Vertical Leg Crounch
Vertical leg crunch crunch like movement, but has a higher Efforts. This course will give a more pronounced effect in shaping the abdominal muscles, which means the effect is better to shrink your stomach.
Way to do :
Position your body to sleep supine
Raise the thighs until your legs are perpendicular
Do the crunch, without lowering the position of your feet.
Process: You can perform this movement 1-2 times, because the movement is relatively heavy and difficult in implementation.
8. Bicycle Exercise
For those of you who may not be able to ride a bicycle, maybe this is one exercise that is suitable for the sport of cycling substitute shrink the stomach. Moreover, it has the effect of shaping the abdominal muscles.
Way to do :
Position yourself in the supine
Lift your foot section to form an angle of 90 degrees
Perform a bicycle pedaling motion, pulling your torso closer to the knees
You can vary the twisting or rotating your torso to the right or to the left at the time of stroke
Process: Repeat 3-4 sets every day on a regular basis.
9.Vertical Leg Exercise Bicycle
This movement has a very good benefit for the formation of the abdominal muscles. Is a variation of the movement of bicycle exercise, which will be very effective in discouraging the stomach.
Way to do :
Position your body such as when do attitude candles
Hold this position while doing a bicycle pedaling motion
Process: You can perform this movement 2-3 sets in a day, with a record of each set contains 10 times a round pedaling.
10. Skip Candles
Exercise to shrink the stomach is distended fairly easy candle attitude. This movement can help you to tighten your abdominal muscles and will have an impact on the menggecilnya abdomen.
Way to do :
Position yourself on your back
Lift your leg up vertically buttocks
Hold your buttocks with a hand rectangle.
Process: You can do this candle attitude movement for 5 minutes per session, and you can do more than 4 sessions each day.
11. Elliptical Trainer
This tool is a tool that combines walking to climbing stairs to be effective in shaping your abdominal muscles and burn fat, which certainly will shrink your abdomen.
How to Do: Set the load weight and height on the tool, then do a workout or exercise using this tool.
Process: You can perform activities on the elliptical trainer for about 30 minutes each day.
12. Torso Twist
Torso twist can shape your abdominal muscles, while burning fat in your abdomen, because it only focused on the abdomen only, then this movement will be very effective to shrink your stomach.
Way to do :
Position your body on the tool torso twist
Then turn the body (torso) your left and right turns
Process: Perform this movement as much as 2-3 sets per direction of rotation in one day.
13. Russian Twist
Russian twist twist is a method that uses a load, such as plate or dumbbell, so it will be very effective in forming part of your stomach.
Way to do :
Position your body in a supine
Handheld plate or dumbbell like he was holding the steering wheel
Lift your torso or body, and turn to the left and right turns, tana move the legs.
Process: Perform this movement as much as 2-3 sets per direction of rotation in one day.
14. Hanging Leg Raise
With the effort is high, then the sports movement will greatly assist you in forming a more muscular abdomen and more flat.
Way to do :
Position your body such as when it will do pull - up
Raise your body using the arms, then hold
While the weight of the body, swing your leg forward and hold, so that the position of the feet and your body has an angle of 90 degrees.
Process: You can hold the position of your body is angled 90 degrees for 4-10 seconds. You can do this exercise according to your ability, at least 2 times a day.
15. Jacknife Exercise
Jackknife Exercise is a combination of vertical and vertical crunch sit ups. This exercise will help you in forming part of the stomach to be a better and tighten your abdominal muscles.
Way to do :
Position yourself on your back on the floor or mat
Lift your leg diagonally, hold
When the legs are in a diagonal position, lift your torso while lifting your hands
Keep your hands in a position closest to your feet.
Process: You can perform this movement 1-2 sets of each day so that you can feel the stomach smaller and faster.
16. Plank
Plaster can be useful to train the front part of your abdominal muscles. it will make your stomach become smaller and faster.
Way to do :
Position your body face-down with the heel resting on elbows and feet
Hold this movement as long as possible
Process: You can resist this movement as long as possible, and should not be part of your hips down. Do this every day on a regular basis.
That is some kind of exercise and sports shrink the stomach and make it firmer. Keep in mind, all the above exercise can be mutually combined with each other and some sports such as sit-ups, crunches, jackknife exercise and much more you can do easily in your home, without the need to go to the gym.
Tips Optimizing Sports For Abs
Note also a healthy lifestyle, with the intake of nutrients into the body during exercise, namely:
1.Increase your intake of foods high in protein.
2.Increase your intake of vitamins and minerals
3.Increase your intake of fiber-rich foods
4.Avoid consumption of foods high in calories and fat.
5.Always routinely consume water
6.Enough sleep
7.Do not engage in excessive activity
8.If feel tired, rest.
With a combination of movements of this exercise regularly and also consume healthy types of food, so in sufficient time of the month, you will feel the effects of all of these sports. Suggestions of admin to do it consistently, do not rush because it will make you quickly get bored and leave all your workouts. So do it casually and consistently
Click here for commentswow thx for the info
Replydengan membaca tips dari agan,,jadi kesampaian nih punya badan yang sispex bakalan..hehee
Replythanks For info :D
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