12 Healthy Living Tips

12 Healthy Living Tips Success - How to maintain a good healthy lifestyle is how you are trying to improve the quality of life better. People say healthy is expensive, which is why everyone tried their best to get the body that always fit. Health really is not expensive if you know how to live a quality life. Only now are many people who do not care about his health in density because many everyday activities.

Healthy Living

Many people lose time to just set aside time to eat, to choose to complete the work until late at night, so bedtime was reduced. If lifestyle is continuously carried out, your body will not get adequate nutrition. To have a healthy body there are many ways you can live, but it is not easy to change the irregular pattern of life into a healthy lifestyle.

12 Healthy Living Tips

How to have a healthy living

In life every day, everyone would always prioritize the factors that affect the health of the body or soul. This is because health is an important factor supporting other factors in our lives. But we as humans, can not appreciate the occasional health being perceived if it does not feel pain. However, it is better not to wait for pain prior to being grateful healthy God-given. Seeing the importance of health, many people are willing to spend money to hundreds of millions or even billions of rupiah rupiah to regain health. Preventing certainly better than cure, and one good way of prevention is by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

There will be many obstacles that you must face, usually the biggest obstacle is laziness and often underestimate the importance of health. Therefore it takes a pretty strong intention from within yourself, if you already have the intention then the next thing to be possessed by the self is the will, so it will create the willingness to live a healthy lifestyle you want. On this occasion, we have compiled a few tips on healthy living naturally to you. And the following tips.

1. Stop From Bad Habits

The meaning of bad habits above, is such as smoking, drinking alcohol, using drugs such as drugs and other addictive substances materials. Because basically all of these bad habits will only cause a negative reaction in the body. In addition to harm the health, the items above may also lead to financial crisis. Just imagine, if it has entered the black kelembah such as using drugs, then that person would be willing to spend money with large numbers just to meet the needs of illicit goods. Therefore, begin to shy away or quit a bad habit that is certainly not in accordance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

2. Eat Healthy Food and Match Rules

Many people assume when adopting a healthy lifestyle then, the food consumed does not have a good taste. However, one thing that must be underlined is that not all foods that taste delicious, it's good for health. For example, junk food and fizzy drinks. Moreover, coupled with the reality of today where a lot of foods that contain harmful substances such as borax or formaldehyde. So, it would be nice to be more selective in matters of food. Try to make healthy food as a style of your own, in order to maintain the quality of your food. In addition, prepared meals must meet nutrient required by the body.

3. Maintain Personal Hygiene and the Environment

In addition to the bad habits and unhealthy foods, there are other factors that encourage the body to become ill. And these factors are personal and environmental hygiene. To maintain personal hygiene, do of course with a bath at least twice in one day. And a small example for protecting the environment to stay clean is to make the waste in place. The second thing is, it is often overlooked, yet if there is a pile of garbage, in addition to bad to look at, also can be a source of disease. If it lasts longer, of course you would be hard to live a healthy life. Therefore, to begin to live a healthy lifestyle start of maintaining personal hygiene and environmental cleanliness. With the creation of hygiene, the health will always be maintained.

4. Routine Checking Into Health Doctor

Way of a healthy lifestyle that most people are reluctant to do so is to consult their health condition to the doctor. In fact, by always regularly check the health condition to the doctor, if there are symptoms of a particular disease can be treated early. So that the disease will not become worse. Make it a habit to check the health of at least three months to see a doctor of choice, so that medical records will always be awake and not start from zero again when different doctors.

5. Avoid Stress

One trigger the emergence of various diseases is on the level of stress experienced. Therefore avoid things that can cause stress, such as problems in the workplace or in the family. How to avoid stress is actually very easy, simply by being natural, social, and of course always positive minded. Healthy lifestyle begins with avoiding the causes of stress would be very good for health.

6. Rest Enough

In this case you should know that adequate rest is essential for the health of your body. Because if our bodies are reproduced with solid activity every day and every day less rest. Then our body will be lethargic and prone to diseases. Therefore as dense-denseness of your activities, you should be able to spend some time to rest. If you every day can make sufficient rest then you suda do a good healthy way of life.

7. Eat foods that contain balanced nutrition

In this case people often ignore. To get a healthy life, of course you need to set the type of food that will be consumed each day. For example various nutrients required by humans is a carbohydrate found in rice and potatoes, and protein contained in egg, then the good fats found in dishes such as meat and fish, and vitamins and minerals that are abundant in the fruit- fresh fruits and vegetables.

8. Avoid Fatty Food High

Examples of foods that are high in fat like fried foods, foods that bersantan, fatty meat, chicken skin, cheese and much more. Fatty foods can lead to accumulation of cholesterol in the blood vessels. This can trigger a wide range of chronic diseases. So you should be, limit foods that are high in fat.

9. Increase Drinking Water

Drinking water is a healthy way of life naturally. Because by drinking water only, to remove toxins in our bodies, which are excreted in the urine. Our body is in desperate need of liquid element, because of the many activities every day that solid, that will make the body dehydrated. So it is recommended that you should drink a minimum of at least 8 glasses per day.

10. Regular Exercise

In this case you every day to be able to take a moment to exercise. Because sports make our body become more fit. For those who rarely exercise may begin at this time you can take the time to do a simple exercise such as push-ups or small gymnastics. Because the exercise can remove toxins in the body, which will be released through sweat. It could also work out a run in the morning or afternoon can make your body into shape. At this point is very important, because a healthy and fit way of life will never be complete if there is no element of sport in it.

11. Hand Hygiene

Clean environment will be a good mood when you start the activity. You also do not forget you have to pay attention to hand hygiene. Because in your everyday activities, you will often hold a lot of things out there. In that case, bacteria and germs will certainly become very troublesome for your health. Therefore, you must be diligent hand washing.

12 Avoid Cigarettes and Alcohol

At this point you have to leave bad habits, such as smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. Because smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages will lead to the organs in your body become damaged.
So from this day, let you can keep your body to live healthy, because health care is more expensive than the riches in the world. Those are some tips on how to live a healthy life from us, hopefully useful tips from us to you.

Thus some health tips for living a healthy lifestyle that is lived everyday. Let's start from ourselves and start from now. Although initially it will be difficult for those who are not familiar, but eventually all the healthy lifestyle will feel more easy and natural. Even at a certain time, it's all going to be your character unwittingly. As for you, which is already accustomed to a healthy lifestyle as above, you should also invite people close to you to follow a healthy lifestyle habit.


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January 2, 2016 at 7:04 PM ×

waw agak gak ngerti tapi bisa juga di praktekkan.

January 2, 2016 at 7:19 PM ×

Translate dullu biar gak bingunng....

January 2, 2016 at 7:43 PM ×

awalnya sih bingung apa itu artinya,,tapi setelah ditranslite kan..jadi tau nih. . .terima kasih ya infonya sobat. . .sangat bermanfaat untuk hidup sehat. . .

January 2, 2016 at 7:47 PM ×

Nice Artikel.I Like This.Thanks

January 2, 2016 at 7:53 PM ×

good article , thx

January 2, 2016 at 8:33 PM ×

Nice artikel,.. thanks..

January 3, 2016 at 9:40 AM ×

i can't speak in english, but bisa ngerti dengan trans late... nice info

January 3, 2016 at 2:26 PM ×

sangat bermanfaat nihh...thamks infonya gan

January 3, 2016 at 5:11 PM ×

good artikel..
thanks for information..

Zeni Dp
January 17, 2016 at 7:37 PM ×

yes, you can healthy with reading 12 Healthy Living Tips in this articel

Zeni Dp
January 17, 2016 at 7:38 PM ×

first you can start from this tips Stop From Bad Habits

Zeni Dp
January 17, 2016 at 7:39 PM ×

Eat foods that contain balanced nutrition
that's is good for you..

Zeni Dp
January 17, 2016 at 7:39 PM ×

i advice fo your healthy Routine Checking Into Health Doctor
