30 secrets and benefits of tomatoes for beauty - What is there to mind when you hear the word tomato. in general we know the tomato is a material used to complement in cooking, such as making a sauce, vegetables and serve complementary drinks as chapters. Indeed, for the layman like us, uses tomatoes are like that. However, in addition to complementary materials in cooking, we certainly taulah if the tomato is also a good nutrient for the health of our bodies, such as for example adding vitamin C and lycopene to the body that can counteract free radicals.
But apart from that it turned Benefits of Fruit Tomato Face can also be obtained from tomatoes. Tomatoes contain a lot of variety of nutrients and nutrients that are beneficial at all for facial beauty treatment. Referring to this, the info4healthy.com will discuss about 10 Efficacy And Benefit Tomato Fruit Facial beauty Manicured order. For a taste of Tomato Fruit Benefits And Benefits To Face, many who use the tomato in a manner to use it as a facial mask or made into chapters. For more details, we can read this article.
1. Reduce the fat content causes of obesity
In the previous article, the fat is said to trigger high blood pressure and of increasing weight. To reduce the amount of fat that accumulates in the body, it takes the hard work of the various efforts such as exercise and dietary adjustments.
If you are already a lot of exercise, but the weight would not go down, trying to help with the regular consumption of tomatoes before the exercise. Tomatoes do not contain fat, it is high in protein, carbohydrates, and calories. Three nutrients has an important role in weight problems, you can set them to perform motion activities such as running, gym, and others.
2. Establish your muscles
Men's skinny will be difficult to get the attention of the fair sex, that's why many of them are willing to spend a lot of costs just to shape the body into the ideal posture. Do you belong to one of them?
If yes, then you ought to know that in addition to train the body by lifting weights, there are other things that must be done, namely break. While asleep, the muscles that have been tampered with will be reassembled to form a more perfect. You should know also that the perfection of form of this muscle is also affected by some type of food.
There food is supporting the formation of muscle, and one of them is tomatoes. This is because tomatoes as a natural source of protein-rich, easy to come by way of processing that is easy too. So, before and after exercise, it would not hurt you to eat a slice of tomato fruit in order to increase the chances of successful establishment athletic posture.
3. Prevent Cancer
Couse the antioxidants contained in tomatoes, serious diseases such as cancer of the breast, colon, and lung cancer can be treated effectively by this fruit.
The statement is the conclusion to a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute that there is a relationship between tomato intake with a reduced risk of cancer. Where from 71 studies, there are 51 research that consumption of tomatoes with sufficient quantity and proper can reduce the risk of cancer of the pancreas, colon, breast, also the cervix.
4. Antidotes free radicals
Medical experts or medical specialists provide confidence in flavonoids and zea-xanthin in counteracting free radicals. Both of these compounds are the most abundant antioxidant in tomatoes.
5. Keeping teeth and bones strong and healthy
Tomatoes are a supplier of calcium that is used to maintain the bone that is not easily chipped, also strengthens the teeth and keep them healthy. At the time of the formation of bone, calcium is needed in order to get a perfect result.
6. Controlling cholesterol causes of hypertension (high blood pressure)
The body stores two types of cholesterol, the good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL). The amount of good cholesterol or HDL cholesterol should be more than the amount of bad cholesterol, if not then there hypertension or high blood pressure.
How to treat high blood pressure can be prefixed with an easy effort, like eating tomatoes regularly. The reason for choosing tomatoes as food should be consumed is stored in the mineral content in tomatoes helps to regulate the amount of cholesterol circulating in the blood.
7. Healthy eyes
Minus the eye sufferers are often advised to consume tomatoes so that the minus is not increased. You know why?
Tomatoes have been recognized by many as the fruit that can nourish the eye because in it there are a lot of vitamin A content, coupled with a number of other nutrients such as niacin, thiamine and folic acid. Between one another to work together to heal health problems in the eye.
8. Creating a stable heart work
There are about 236 mg of potassium in a medium tomato. The content is useful to control the heart rate in pumping blood and keep working stably. Another tomatoes benefits to be gained are protected from heart disease and stroke.
9. Meet the needs of daily vitamin
If you are lazy to take supplements to meet the daily needs of vitamins, eat only tomatoes. Tomatoes will give you 21% of the daily nutritional requirements needed, on a piece of fruit. According to the USDA, all in tomato nutrients needed by the body's organs to function properly.
10. Controlling blood sugar
Sugar in the blood should not exceed reasonable limits so as not to increase the risk of diabetes. You can help control blood sugar with regular consumption of tomatoes. Tomatoes became a natural source of chromium that the body needs in order not to experience the amount of blood sugar surge.
11. Treating back pain
Inflammation-related problems such as back pain should be considered serious enough that the problem is not sustainable. If you suffer from it, eat tomatoes regularly disambi proper treatment.
Tomatoes support the healing process by transferring bioflavonoids and carotenoids which are known as anti-inflammatory agents. If you are experiencing back pain of chronic nature, usually recovery or relief of pain will last long enough.
For skin, tomatoes over umu be a natural cream which is sometimes mixed with some natural ingredients such as lemon, honey, sugar, and many more. Here are the benefits of tomato fruit to nourish the skin to keep it supple, fresh, and clean.
12. Shrink and tighten pores
How to make a tomato mask for the face:
Blender fresh tomatoes
Mix two of tomato juice with water
Use a cotton swab to wipe the face that had previously been cleared
Massage whole skin surface evenly for 16 minutes
13. Brighten skin
Your skin dull and no one has to know the secret of beauty to make skin brighter? Use tomatoes that have vitamin C in large quantities are ready to address the problems that are befalling you.
The trick and tips is not difficult, you prepare two or three slices of fresh tomato, sliced thick enough size. Use each slice to rub the face evenly. Within a week doing routine every day in order to provide maximum results, the skin looks radiant and healthy.
14. Caring for the skin
In addition to well-known properties of olive oil to treat skin to stay healthy, the oil content in the seeds of tomatoes are also able to take care of your skin in a way against free radicals that can accelerate the aging process. In some beauty clinics, tomato seed oil is often used to treat skin conditions that damage such as eczema, psoriasis, dry and damaged.
You can use tomato seed oil enough to massage the skin is desired. Perform maintenance at bedtime and do not immediately cleaned up on even the same day, but when you've awakened from deep.
15. Eliminate acne
In some acne medications terjajahkan in salons or beauty clinic, the table looks average content requires the help of vitamins A and C. If you want to buy some kind of ointment acne medication, it is better not used because there are tomatoes that give both these nutrients.
In addition to Vitamin A and C, tomatoes also contain a lot of acid that can eliminate acne and skin rash tackle redness. In the small acne conditions, you just have to rub fresh tomato slices on the face or can also be used as a mask for an hour.
16. Addressing the problem of oily skin
Excess sebum production can make a face filled with oil and when seen from a distance becomes shiny. If not addressed other issues are also ready to present on your face, like acne, dark spots, and even blackheads. There are two ways:
Method 1.
Easy steps to cope with oily skin is to make the tomato juice from 2 slices of tomato were mixed with 4 tablespoons of cucumber juice. Use a mask on the face by means of greasing cotton wear, then let stand until dry and rinse afterwards. If the routine implement, the oil on the face will be more controlled and participated shrink pores.
Method 2.
Cucumber tomato puree along with using a blander taste or ground. Then wash the face first using water / warm, then apply a mixture of tomato and cucumber had the entire face and neck. And let stand until the nutrients seep into the skin approximately 20-50 minutes. If so, wipe with cold water.
17. Keeping you stay young
One of the secrets of youth the top is a beautiful artist tomatoes. In the spare time you can try to do a series of activities that are skin treatment using tomatoes as basic materials.
Tomatoes can slow aging by absorbing oxygen to the fullest. You just need to do the maintenance on a regular basis in spare time, could be morning or evening.
18. Protecting the skin from ultraviolet attack
Direct sunlight can damage the structure of the skin surface. Examples of skin problems caused by too often exposed to sun light exposure is dry, scaly, busik, and dull. If you pick one of them, then you need to know that tomatoes can be used as a natural sunscreen.
There are antioxidants in tomatoes called lycopene that move as a protective skin from UV rays. Before going to the office, you can consume a glass of tomato juice, it helps protection from the inside. Remember to also branded sunscreen cream suitable for your skin type.
19. Refreshing Eye
After ngantor definitely tired and eager eyes made sleep. It is better before rushing to rest my eyes, do light massage on the entire surface of your face and two slices of tomato paste into both of your eyes (cover both eyes).
Tomatoes will merileksasikan your eyes are tired because it has been used for a long day of work. If you have eye bags, use a slice of tomato can also help eliminate it.
20. Preventing cell damage
Cell damage will make the skin becomes problematic, it appears reddish and could even arise wrinkles that make you look 10 years older than their actual age. This condition is often referred to as free radicals.
To help prevent cell damage, you can consume at least 15 milligrams of lycopene found in tomatoes every day. After lunch, soft drinks replace you with a more healthful tomato juice.
21. whiten skin
How to make a tomato cream for skin whitening:
Clean skin by washing with water.
Mix 1.5 teaspoons of oatmeal, yogurt, and 2.5 teaspoons of tomato that has been finely ground.
Apply the mixture on the face, neck, and other parts of the body skin is desired.
Let stand for 25 minutes before cleaning.
Treatment with a mixture of three materials will help remove stains that cover the skin, exfoliates dead skin cells and soothe the skin taut.
22. Prevent sunburn
According to Prevention Magazine, people within three months of taking 6 tablespoons of tomato paste every day will make the skin terlindugi of problems due to sun burn. Although the skin is burning, tomato paste could help treat it.
Use a mixture of 2.5 teaspoons of tomato and 1.5 teaspoons of yogurt, apply on the surface of the face, neck, hands, and feet evenly after the move. The content in the tomato will refresh the skin, while the yogurt makes Kulti become elastic and soft.
23. Smooth skin
Smooth skin into a valuable asset for everyone, especially women. Besides getting a plus in the eyes of people around, smooth skin can also be an investment for the future. There are so many models who perform in order to smooth the skin care by using tomatoes, whether you are interested to try it?
Blender tomatoes and mix with honey to taste up into a thick paste. Apply it on the face evenly, provide a relaxing massage in a circular motion. Keep doing fine until the tomatoes are already exhausted, then cleaned using warm water. Do not leave the house after undergoing treatment to prevent dust from sticking to the surface of the face is clean.
During this time you definitely just thought that the only natural substance that is capable of overcoming all forms of hair-related issues is aloe vera. The fact can not be denied, aloe vera help a lot of people who have problems with hair.
But who would have thought that tomatoes are also the same as aloe vera, are able to give more protection to the hair because it contains vitamins A, B, C, and E which is an important stimulant to maintain the hair. Here are the benefits of tomatoes for healthy hair.
24. Coping with hair loss
Although not many fruitless, many people are convinced that the use of tomatoes for the hair to reduce hair loss. If you want to make it, try to do first examination the doctor if your hair is sensitive or not if given the natural treatments with tomatoes.
25. Natural Conditioner
Many people are not aware that around many plants that can be used for day-to-day, for example, the conditioner of tomatoes. During this time we are only presented with advertisements natural conditioner that has been included in the packaging bottle, do not know whether the properties as well as natural or not.
To compare the quality, you can replace the conditioner with tomatoes for a few days and see the results. Tomatoes with oil will be free from tangled hair and hair loss.
26. Clean the dirt on the hair
Shampooing alone is not enough to clean the stain attached to the hair shaft. You can use the tomatoes to help remove dirt attached to the hair.
How, for tomato juice and apply on hair evenly. Gently rub the hair several times, then let stand 20 minutes. Finally, rinse with clean water and use shampoo to wash it and make sure it is clean tomato juice on the hair.
27. Eliminate odors scalp
The smell of the scalp is very rare, because knowing the trigger factor that is almost never do. But who knows when you're having this kind of problems, here's how to remove the smell of scalp with tomatoes.
Create tomatoes and filtered water. Pour water on the hair and give you a scalp massage for a few minutes, after that, allow to dry 30 minutes. If you have, wash your hair with fragrant shampoo as usual.
28. Strengthens hair
Unhealthy hair will be brittle and break easily, so you need something that can strengthen the hair roots. What? Yes, the tomato.
Tomatoes can be the right choice for you who have problems with broken and brittle hair. By applying a mask tomatoes regularly, the hair will be stronger, moist and free of dryness.
29. Eliminate dandruff
Ketombean makes one ashamed to use dark colored clothes, since dark colors can make dandruff that sticks to clothing clearly visible. Besides dandruff also makes a person not confident to go out, let alone gather together friends.
So that you can act as usual, immediately remove the dandruff. Use tomatoes are able to drive dandruff and relieve itching due to the white spot. Tomatoes contain high vitamin C which is struggling to combat dandruff and provide collagen to your scalp.
The tips as follows:
Balander three slices of tomato.
Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and stir to form a smooth paste.
Rub gently on the scalp, avoid scratching the head with a nail.
Let stand for 30 minutes, the last rinse the hair with water and allow to dry by itself.
30. Radiating hair luster
If the hair is healthy and clean, hair color will surely look radiant. You can realize that dream simply by using the tomatoes are processed correctly, the following way.
Prepare three pieces of ripe tomatoes, peeled and seeded. Tomatoes that have been processed before you squeeze the water out and wet hair. Give massage until completely absorbed into the scalp, then let stand one hour and wash off when it's time.
That 30 benefits of tomatoes that you should know. But things are also important for you to know, that the side effects if too much excessive eating tomatoes. Here is a short review.
Side Effects Tomato Eating Too Much
1. The weakening of the immune system
The immune system becomes unbalanced because the raw tomato lycopene are carotenoid pigments. The chemical compound if the amount is reasonable will be very helpful in preventing cancer. However, if excessive in taking existing immune system so disturbed and the body will lose the function to protect themselves from microbes or microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi that cause disease. At the same time, this situation also can not repair physical damage there.
2. Gastrointestinal Problems
Because tomatoes enriched with acid content, excessive consumption can disrupt the digestive system. Disease GERD (acid reflux) is a medical term that is common depiction of intestinal disorders.
3. Trigger (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
Antioxidant lycopene can turn into bait diseases such as IBS if there's too much in the body. The body will also experience some other intestinal problems such as stomach gas, bloating, ganggunam indigestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and much more. Therefore, it is advisable not to consume more than 30 mg of lycopene per day.
4. Establish a kidney stone
If you have previously suffered from kidney stones are small, it is not advisable to eat tomatoes a lot. The reason is because tomatoes are a source of calcium and oxalate compounds both of which would be difficult to digest if before you already suffer from kidney stones. In some such cases, excessive eating tomatoes will make calcium and oxalate accumulate in the kidney and form a large stone.
5. Excess vitamin
An overdose of vitamins can be triggered by tomato vegetables that you consume every day, in quotation marks if the amount is excessive. Consuming a medium-sized tomatoes will meet the daily requirement of vitamin tenth, exactly 1,025 IU of vitamin A and 17 mg of vitamin C. If the amount is too much, then arise various problems such as headaches, nausea, vomiting, kidney pain, etc.
In essence, even though you know that tomatoes properties for health and beauty very much. Excessive consumption of tomatoes is also having a devastating effect on health. In addition to 5 adverse events above, there are actually a few more such as allergies, nutritional deficiencies, causing prostate cancer. And change the color of the skin becomes slightly orange.
So, if you intend to give your intake of vitamins to the body by way of consumption of tomatoes. Eat with a reasonable amount, do you think by increasing the dose of consumption will make the body more healthy, but it is not because it can damage the expectations.
It would be nice if you just take the benefits of tomatoes with external use, for example, make a cream or a mask to treat the skin to stay healthy, clean, supple, toned, smooth and glowing.
That information about the benefits of fruits Tomato Face, hopefully with tomato treatment can be used as a reference for my friend who was looking for a natural way of doing facial beauty treatments.
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